Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Uncle Kent


Middle aged man and his lonely life.


This low budget film with no recognisable characters and filmed with a Flip Cam (!) made it to the Sundance festival which obviously gave it big attention. The low-key and non pretentious vibe always sparks my interest with films so I thought I'd review it for you.

The somewhat conventional theme with a lonely 40 year old man is being carried up by the unconventional script and directing in this film.  Kent Osborne ( Kent Osborne ) works as a freelance animator and spends most of his life being on the internet and smoking marijuana. He is not really happy with his situation and actually manages to meet someone on Chatroulette. Kate ( Jennifer Prediger) is a New York resident, works as a journalist but is actually already taken but the boyfriend is distant. She decides to go meet Kent on the other side of the country all the way in Los Angeles. Kent and Kate finds theirselves at a party and the circumstances that unfold is something that comes as a big surprise.

I read somewhere this film had a greater message : That the internet/video generation are waiting for life to happen to them instead of vice versa, that indidivuals in this generation grab a hold of life. That's one way of looking at it although it didnt strike me at first. The passivity of the younger people in society is probably a correct observation though.

I found this to be a humorous film and something that alot of people can relate to, not necessarely just if you are a 40 year old male. It speaks to everyone, I find, simply because its a quality film. I wish more films like these were made. The only reason this made it in to the viewing spectrum so to speak was probably because of the aforementioned film festival. I wonder how many other gems you miss?



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