Just look at that poster.
Woman quits her job and finds herself in an awkward position being the only one in her circle of friends who doesn't have a "career".
Looking at the poster and reading the plot makes me quite, shall we say non-interested, in this film. Jennifer Aniston doesn't really help at all, she has done nothing but romantic comedies since the 90's. This is, however, quite a pleasant film. It follows my favourite theme, a slow paced somewhat uneventful film with an interesting dialogue. I also appreciate the fact that it is about people in their mid-lives living day to day and doing all the things we classify as "normal". In films this can seem "uneventful" and "boring". I find this quite exciting.
The main character is Olivia ( Jennifer Aniston ) who seems to have some sort of midlife-crisis where she quits her job as a teacher and start working as a maid. She meets all kinds of strange guys and smokes pot. Her social sphere recognizes something is up but approaches her gently. Franny ( Joan Cusack ) seems to be quite the opposite to Olivia. She is perfectly in balance, or atleast thats what it seems, with herself and everything around her. Christine ( Caroline Keener ) is a scripwriter and works alot with her husband. This seems to be quite the strain on their marriage and the often fight, passively aggressively, through reading the scripts. Quite comical. The last character in the woman quartet is Jane ( Frances Mcdormand ). Jane works as a clothing designer and has quite the temper and her husband's story( Simon Mcburney ) through the film is the question of whether or not he is a closet homosexual.
The non-dramatic approach is something that I appreciate quite alot. Its also a film of sublety and contradictions. One moment they all seem happy with what they have and then in the other they act out and seem to be quite the opposite. I believe this also has to do with the fact that what they show outwards and how they actually feel about themselves and their lives is two different things. As a consequence of this the characters are actually often times relatable and dare I say life-like. This is at the same time, ironically enough, the number one reason why I think it hasn't reached a big audience or credit.
I strongly recommend this to everyone.
Seems lame. Do not want...
That is EXACTLY what I thought. You will be surprised.
I should give it a try :)
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