Friday, July 20, 2012

The Fall

The Fall

This movie feels like it belongs in a different decade from when it was made.


Two human beings meet in a hospital and get lost inbetween fiction and reality.


With being very focused on the visual aspect of a movie it leaves little room for a long and detailed review. As mentioned, it jumps between two worlds and try to show how much of a thin line that may be between them. It starts off in Los Angeles in the 1920's in a hospital. A random encounter starts off an interesting relation between an injured stuntman named Roy ( played by Lee Pace) and a little girl named Alexandria ( played by Catinca Untaru) with a broken arm. He starts telling her a story that takes her far away from the hospital she's in.

This is a different kind of movie from what one usually sees and I find it worth the watch. One thing I appreciate is having non-known actors play lead parts which always in my opinion make for the movie being able to easier speak for itself rather than focus being on the actors. Manages to stay towards a "mature" audience even though it is sort of like a fairytale movie which often tends to lean towards a very young crowd, and it is interesting that they made it that way.

I certainly get the feeling, that I already mentioned, that this movie belongs to the 80s or 90s. They do not make movies like this anymore. Being made in 2006 it seemed somehow out of place. Movies in general that tend to focus towards being visually attracting is something that I definetely appreciate. Movies that seem to be their own universe, and I feel like thats how movies should be made. This could be subject to a or several conspiracy theories, how movies are generally very very blunt, but thats probably going to be another post.



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